Wednesday, May 16, 2007

This Isn't Just About Cars

So I'm a computer programmer, specifically for multimedia and games. Lately, I've been interested in some edutainment to teach kids to code. I think it teaches good logic skills and provides a good solid foundation on how to build things. This applies to all kinds of engineering, inventiveness, computer systems that pretty much everyone will be using by the time the kids grow up, and just general life. I made a little simple language a la Logo, but then yesterday I discovered, via Slashdot, an MIT program called Scratch. You use these jigsaw puzzle pieces of code to put together a little visual program to control actors on a stage. You start off with a cat actor and can make it move around, rotate, animate, turn colors, and all kinds of other stuff. You can add more actors, do all kinds of logic, and generally make a cool, artistic, multimedia little app. Once you're done, hit the Share button and your project is instantly posted to MIT's site for Scratch projects. Here are mine. OK, none are fancy or anything, but all took me way under five minutes, make sense, and were a blast to make. You should all make some little apps and then post them here in comments. C'mon. Go. :)

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