Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Mileage Estimates Are Stupid

I've always known that the EPA mileage estimates for cars was bad, but now I know that they are really bad. Holy crap, look at the pictures of their testing facility! Aerodynamics? Turning? Road surface not being perfectly smooth? How about actually just moving the vehicle? Wow. Here's an article on how they're changing it. Here's a site that shows lots of information on mileage and environmental impact, as well as some stats on, say, passenger and cargo volume, as far back as 1985.


StarCrunch said...

*3 seconds of investigation, outrage*

Sir! Enough of your vile anti-estimation calumnies!! I have had it up to here with you! And when I say here, I mean way up HERE!!!

*Futile demonstratory gesturing*

Oo, look at me! I have charts! Charts! Bah!! There's only one way to settle this... a duel!!!

*Searches around for something weaponish, finds pen, brandishes menacingly, unable to find glove, flings hat to floor*

I await your response. That is, if you don't hide behind your charts like the craven wretch you are!!

*Goes back to coding*

- Stv,
Knight Commander of the (Really) Southern League of "Mileage Estimates Are All That"

P.S. We should hang out.

Jackson Dunstan said...

Oh c'mon, you don't have a hat and you know it.